Miller Well Drilling offers full service water system design, installation, maintenance, monitoring, operations and administration.

Design and Installation: We apply state standards and use quality plumbing and materials to meet engineered specifications on installation of new systems or components.

Maintenance: Because we design, install, and service wells, pumps, and water treatment systems and filters, Miller Well Drilling is the one-stop resource for all of your repair and maintenance needs.

We have the equipment to trouble shoot and repair pumps, locate and repair leaks, video the water zones and structural integrity of your well to help diagnose problems and perform onsite repairs.

Monitoring, Operations and Administration: Our NC State C-Well certified personnel go through intensive training and are tested and approved by the state for monitoring and operating large water systems and treatment plants.

>We handle all paperwork and communication with the state as well as, Monthly Reports of Operations, Public Notices and Consumer Confidence Reports.

Remember, a state certified operator is required where any of the following is true:

  •  Any water system with 25 or more residents using water 60 days during the calendar year (10 homes occupied more than 60 days during the year)
  •  Any water system with more than 14 connections.
  •  Any water system being chemically treated (chlorine, etc.) prior to the distribution.

 Visit for more information on Rules Governing Public Water Supply Systems.

J. Swindler

J. Swindler

Thank you very much for your prompt service.

...J. Swindler, Morgonton, GA

P. Rohrer

P. Rohrer

Many thanks for your prompt assistance!

...P. Rohrer, Tifton, GA

Security – Independence – Purity