If you have ever called our main office number, chances are that a super-nice woman with a little-bit-gravelly, little-bit-whispery, VERY “Clay County” voice has taken your call.

Michelle Burrell has been helping keep the Miller Well Drilling administration and books running smoothly since May of 2008.
Back then, she was a student at Tri-County Community College, where she saw our Help Wanted ad on the school bulletin board. She has been a key member of our growing administrative staff ever since.
Although her main focus is bookkeeping, she understands how important the work we do is to our clients, and once assisted a pump crew on a pump install. She’s just that kind of team player, and loves to help wherever she is needed.
Regarding her life outside work, she considers herself a “private” individual, listing only Church and family time as hobbies, although she has been in the community all her life, and everyone who knows her loves and appreciates her kind and gentle spirit.
Her favorite memory of working at MWD was a no-charge out of water service we did at Christmas to a single mom who could not afford it. Se said: “It made me happy to see the technicians so excited to help another person in need!” See what we mean when we talk about her kindness?