You are currently viewing Infographic: Benefits of Having Your Own Private Water Supply (UK)

Infographic: Benefits of Having Your Own Private Water Supply (UK)

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This awesome infographic by Dale’s Water, a UK driller, is not only beautiful to look at, it is packed with information that even those of us here across the pond can appreciate and find pertinent.

Pence or Penny, Pound or Dollar… the facts are basically the same.  The main difference is the amount of water you are allowed to withdraw without a permit:

In Georgia, Tennessee, and North Carolina, it is up to 100,000 GPD.  That is a huge volume of water, usually reserved for agricultural applications such as large fields.

Whether you live across the pond or in the mountains, deepwater wells are the most environmentally friendly and cost effective way to meet your long-term water needs.  The water is locally sourced, chemical and additive free, and consistent in price, quality, yield, and pressure.


Rob Miller

Rob's background in Environmental Horticulture and the green industry, as well as time working as a Legislative Aide and Private Property Rights Advocate at the Georgia General Assembly, informs his unique perspective on metro Atlanta water issues, as well as water and its management as a global issue.

This Post Has 2 Comments

    Shad Morris

    I always thought that wells were for people way out in the country, and was wondering if there was any benefits to it. It’s interesting that it can actually be higher quality because of the lack of added chemicals. It would be interesting to see if it tasted any different.

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