Just in time for Halloween, we offer a spooky glimpse at what our technicians sometimes come across in their service work.
Some are scary because of the boneheaded (and even hazardous) way they were put together. Others may actually be haunted. Either way, we always try to leave them better off than we found them…
1. Somewhere in Clay County, NC…
Electrical backer board strapped to pressure tank- No test tap at the well head. No Sediment filter…
2. Habersham Rd, Atlanta (Buckhead)…
Flooded floor in a dark, moldy garage, with exposed wiring laying all over the place… what could go wrong?
3. Another electrical nightmare somewhere near the Tennessee line…
Just look at that wiring! Oh- and there is no well vent…This 20GPM well has such an undersized pump that it only delivers 6GPM to the home. They can’t even water their lawn!
4. Off West Paces Ferry Rd (Atlanta)…
One of two such structures in a neighborhood that was once a single large estate; this hand-dug well sits in the edge of a 14-ft diameter circular stone foundation that is being swallowed up with ivy. Creepy and beautiful even in the light of day…
Rob's background in Environmental Horticulture and the green industry, as well as time working as a Legislative Aide and Private Property Rights Advocate at the Georgia General Assembly, informs his unique perspective on metro Atlanta water issues, as well as water and its management as a global issue.